Victor Wandzel, Esq.
Founder & Principal Attorney
Victor Wandzel, founder of Wandzel Law PLLC, is an attorney specializing in business and contract law. With a unique ability to simplify complex problems, honed through experience at Apple and Fieger Law, Victor provides clear solutions to intricate legal issues. He's an active member of the State Bar of Michigan's Professionalism and Civility Committee and a director for the Oakland County Bar Association's New Lawyers Committee, demonstrating his commitment to professional legal services and mentorship. Victor, a graduate of James Madison College and Michigan Sate University College of Law, actively participates in various bar associations to stay updated and at the forefront of his field. Beyond his professional pursuits, he maintains a balanced life through yoga and world traveling. As your legal partner, Victor combines simplicity and expertise to serve your business and estate planning needs.
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Victor Wandzel, Esq.

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